The following guidelines have been developed for the smooth conduct of our training programs. The same will also be treated for our Terms of Reference or Service Contract between Candidates and Oaj e Kamal and will be referred to in case any dispute arises between the two parties.
It is the candidates responsibility to read the guidelines. “That maxim of law, ignorantia juris non excusat, that ignorance cannot be pleaded in excuse of disputes, will not be entertained.
We thus request you to go through the following points in detail.
- Funds Transfer:
- All cheques to be made in favour of “Oaj e Kamal”
- For Electronic Transfer: Use the following account details and send us the Screen Shot / Receipt of Transfer Evidence along with this form to the email provided:
A/c Title: Oaj- e- Kamal. A/c Number: 0077-0081-000313-01-7Bank Al Habib. Gulzar e Quaid Branch. Rawalpindi - Venue, Dates and Duration:
- Information about the venue will be notified electronically along with course confirmation.
- Last Date for registration is 5 working days before the start date of a course or any other date which is announced as the last date for that particular course.
- The scheduled duration for our evening programs like CHRP, CSCP etc is 4 weeks which may extend to 6 weeks or more due to circumstances beyond our control like strikes, security issues, personal emergency or medical issues or availability on the part of the course trainers etc. Similarly any other program or course may get extended beyond its original scheduled for reasons already mentioned.
- To complete a course in time, evening schedules may be switched or converted to full day or weekend programs to address situations given above.
- If a training activity day falls on a public holiday then such activity will be postponed to next day or same day of the next week, or another day whichever would seem more feasible to OJK for that particular situation at hand.
- Oaj e Kamal may cancel or re-schedule any course due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient participation. Every possible effort will be made to inform delegates prior to that. This includes text messages, phone call and/or email.
- Communication and Co-ordination:
- For inquiries, suggestions and complaints group emails will not be entertained and only individual emails will be answered.
- To avoid ambiguity and increase smoothness of operations, written communication will prevail over any verbal communication with the office management team.
- Anonymous emails, suggestions and inquiries will not be dealt with.
- If an email regarding an information with correct email address is circulated to the clients/candidates and it does not bounce back, then finding it in their inbox is the responsibility of the client/candidate. Justifications like I did not see it or it would have gone in the junk mail will not be entertained.
- About the Course Material Provided:
- The candidates are requested not to ask for soft copy of the training material from the course facilitator / trainer or the management.
- The course kit or training content provided to the candidates is intellectual property of Oaj e Kamal. The materials provided are for the self learning and use of the candidates only and are not to be distributed /published or put in circulation in digital, or hard copy or any other form.
- About the Course Training Module:
- The training provided for the course is not meant to spoon feed the candidates since the primary responsibility of preparing for the examinations rests with the candidates.
- The course content provided is a general reference content, thus the candidates may be asked questions in the examination based on their general common sense and professional judgment in their respective fields like HR, Supply Chain, Organization Development, Sales and Marketing etc.
- Although every professional effort is made to impart professional knowledge to the participants, however, a trainer may emphasize on any given area of course content more and leave secondary areas for self reading or assignment for the candidates.
- If a participant thinks that a certain area needs to be explained or elaborated more, he is expected to inform the trainer during his session or at a suitable time during break. Additional classes are normally not scheduled once the training course duration is over unless for conditions stated in clause titled “Venue, Dates and Duration.”
- The training slides being shown on the multi-media are for the trainer and teaching use only. For participants the manual provided suffices their knowledge needs for the title offered. The training slides and participants’ manual do not have to be necessarily showing the exact same pages or slides.
- The training manual provided for the participants is a general syllabus guideline and it does not guarantee your success if relied upon as an only preparatory source. As professionals the participants are expected to seek other references of knowledge as well. The examination questions shall test their knowledge on a broader perspective including best practices in the industry, their common sense, decision making and core area knowledge.
- About the Examination:
- The pass percentage for the examination is 70%.
- Only pass / fail status is informed to the candidates.
- It takes 4-6 weeks time after the examination to deliver the results and another 4-6 weeks before candidates receive their certification.
- In case a candidate does not pass the examination, he/she will be awarded the certificate of participation by Oaj e Kamal only. However they may reappear by paying the examination fee by re-filling examination form, which can be asked via email.
- No revision course will be arranged unless upon payment of extra fee of USD 70 per day with a minimum of 5 participants willing to attend the revision course.
- IMPORTANT: Please read this carefully. Candidates please bear in mind that we are committed to develop and improve professional practices in fields of HR, Supply Chain, Learning and Organization Development, Marketing, Sales, Productivity and other business related functions. Examinations thus are an important part of this Process of Professional Development of Candidates. However we (Oaj e Kamal Pakistan) are not an examination preparatory institute. We do not prepare candidates to obtain and pass the certifications only but we develop candidates to become thorough professionals at their core competencies; and examination is one important part of the whole process and not the focus of the whole process.
- There is a thin but very important line marked between the two approaches, which may not be very obvious to the common eye. So our emphasis is not to rehearse exam questions or conduct mock tests but to develop professionals with thorough knowledge in their relevant fields. Thus we request you no not expect examination preparation sessions.
- The standard of examination is of a minimum graduate to masters level of education. The exam questions match the standard of national and international certification bodies offering certifications in specific functional areas.
- Sample questions if any for a particular certification program will be shared only and in the last session/ week of that course and not earlier.
- Schedule of Fees / Penalties:
No | Fee | USD | PKR |
1 | Registration, Examination and Course Fee. (Please see fee breakup below) | 456 | 45,600 |
2 | Initial Registration, Examination and Course Fee for organizations eligible to deduct withholding tax | 507 | 50,667 |
3 | Re-examination | 60 | 6,000 |
4 | Revision course fee (per day for a minimum of 5 participants) | 70 | 7,000 |
5 | Certificate Re-order Fee (upon loss of certificate) | 60 | 6,000 |
6 | Late fee for registration (after registration dead line) | 35 | 3,500 |
7 | Re-certification fee (upon expiry of 3 years validity time) | 150 | 15,000 |
- Please note that the fees quoted are after tax amount.
- For individuals: The amounts quoted above are the same amounts which should arrive in Oaj e Kamal’s account as due fees.
- For organizations eligible to deduct withholding tax: Those organizations have to take care that the amount forwarded to Oaj e Kamal will be the amount as quoted above in full. If a tax deduction has to be made than the invoice price will be tax adjusted amount by a factor of [fee quoted/(1 – tax rate)]. i.e. 45600/(1-0.10)= 45600/.09 = 50,667 will be the invoiced amount. So that invoiced amount 50667 less (10% of 50667, being tax)= 45,600, which will be submitted or printed on cheque.
- Oaj e Kamal reserves a right to revise its fee or any part of such fee from time to time. Candidates are expected to keep visiting website to be updated with such revisions and are expected to demonstrate compliance with such changes in fees with respect to amount and schedules.
- Refund Policy:
The general break up of total fee is as follows unless otherwise specified different for a particular program:
No | Fee | USD | PKR |
1 | Registration Fee (non-refundable) | 70 | 7,000 |
2 | Course Material | 46 | 4,600 |
3 | Training / Assignment Fee (non-refundable) | 220 | 22,000 |
4 | Examination / Asssement Fee | 60 | 6,000 |
5 | Certificate (Hard Copy) | 60 | 6,000 |
Policy for refund is as follows:
- Registration fee is non-refundable in any case.
- As a general rule no refund will be claimable for any product or service or activity or certification title or certificate hard copy, the benefit of which has been enjoyed or obtained by the candidate having its possession with him or her.
- Course material fee will not be refunded if a candidate has received the course material.
- Training /Assignment fee will not be refunded if a candidate has attended the training course.
- If any refund is approved, it will not be made earlier than 90 days after receiving written request and then approval for refund.
- For First Attempt: Exam fee i.e. paid along with all dues for the first attempt will not be refunded.
- For Subsequent Attempts: If you withdraw your exam application at least ten (10) business days before your exam date, you may receive a partial refund (50 percent) of the exam fee. Less than 10 days short of exam date, application for refund will not be entertained.
- If you do not follow these instructions, you forfeit all fees. You are considered a “no show” and will not receive a refund if you: a. Arrive more than 30 minutes late for the examination time. b. Do not appear for the exam scheduled. c. Do not have proper identification. (NIC and/or Passport)
- Every effort is made to fulfill our commitment with clients. If for some unexpected circumstance (beyond the control of the parties such as public disorder/strikes, arson/fire, theft, burglary, terrorism, war, acts of God such as earthquakes and floods, epidemics, breakdown of public utilities (electricity, water, gas, telephone systems) over a prolonged period and non-availability of a resource person or persons due to illness or death, low or not enough nominations received for a course, arbitration or legal proceedings with certification partners, or termination of contract thereof, or any other unavoidable circumstances) Oaj e Kamal is unable to deliver certificates to its clients from its certification partners, then OJK will
i. Issue certification from its alternate equivalent certification body with no extra cost of examination or certification OR (if OJK is unable to provide alternate equivalent certification) then:
ii. Refund the amount of examination fee, if exams are not taken. If exams are taken by the candidate, then exam fee will not be refunded (either pass or fail status).
iii. Refund the amount of certificate hard copy
iv. Registration and training fee will not be refunded in any case.
v. A refund will be made not earlier than 90 days of acceptance of such claim.
- Oaj e Kamal reserves a right to revise its fee or any part of such fee from time to time. Candidates are expected to keep visiting website to be updated with such revisions.
- If a refund is made for a certain service or product or certification title or certificate hard copy, then the candidate to whom that refund is made will have no right to use that service or product or certification title or copy of that certificate in any form, verbal or written, implicit or explicit.
- A candidate will have to surrender and return such service or product or certification title or certificate hard copy against which he/she has claimed a refund with in 10 days period of approval of his refund or receiving the refund cheque /notice letter. In case a candidate does not return such a service or product or certification title or certificate hard copy then it will be taken as implicit act of the candidate to retain that service or product or certification title or certificate and refund cheque will be stopped from payment.
- Candidates are expected to make themselves aware and satisfied about the quality, content, competence status of trainers engaged, accreditation status of various programs offered, the value or worth of programs offered by Oaj e Kamal before they enroll in a program. An enrollment or registration in a program is considered an implicit evidence that a candidate has satisfied him or herself with the offer being made. A university or an educational institute cannot refund its fee on the premise that the individual graduate from the university or institute did not receive the “value” of the course from the job market. Oaj e Kamal thus does not guarantee employers preferences and thus cannot and will not refund amounts on such basis.
- If any refund in part or full is made as per policy then the candidate after receiving the refund amount will have no right to further agitate this matter at any forum or any court of law in any case.
- Professional Conduct and Behavior:
- We expect candidates to observe and show professional conduct and behaviour.
- Smoking, chewing gum and taking phone calls will not be allowed during the sessions since it is highly inappropriate for professional sessions.
- Keep your cell phones on silent mode (no vibration) only. In case of any dispute or unpleasant situation, please inform Oaj e Kamal in written so that it can be resolved.
- The participants need not be dressed in highly formal attire and they can choose for a semi formal dressing.
- Experience Based Certifications: (Also known as Recognition of Prior Learning). For details please view link below:
- If Oaj e Kamal is unable to start a course on a given date for any reasons beyond its control as mentioned in clause Refund Policy, sub clause 9, then a candidate may opt to receive experience based certifications provided he fulfills the assessment criteria mentioned for receiving such certifications.
- Disclaimer:
- The certifications provided by Oaj e Kamal in agreement with its certification partners do not claim a status higher than that enjoyed by its certification partners.
- We do not have any affiliation with any certification body except that which is explicitly mentioned in our promotional materials for certification programs.
- Please be noted that the assessment / examinations / evaluation of assignments/ case studies or other tool adopted for the assessment of candidate, whether for regular certification programs or for experienced based certifications, if any are conducted by Oaj e Kamal and certification partners are only forwarded the names of successful candidates.
- The certificates issued carry the same status whether based on experience or based on examinations or any other assessment mode.
- Although our training programs support participants to create significant improvement in their professional competence, in no case Oaj e Kamal claims a job guarantee for its alumni in Pakistan or any where else outside Pakistan.
- Our certification partners are/ have been organizations which are accredited in their respective streams of accreditation e.g. Quality Management Systems like ASCB(E) or Academia such as ASIC, but in no case we claim that we are the only representation of statutory regulation body/bodies in the functional areas like HR, Supply Chain, Productivity, Quality Management Systems etc.
- Oaj e Kamal does not claim to have affiliations with other certification bodies in their respective functional areas except the one being explicitly marketed out and neither we have arrangements of exemptions granted to our alumni on the basis of our certification.
- We have no claim that our certifications suffice for requirements for work visas, or various international requirements for obtaining work permits, letters of authorizations etc from various regulatory bodies.
- Although certifications provided to successful candidates from our training program are accredited under various streams, we do not command employers’ preferences w.r.t various certifications e.g. SHRM, HRCI are preferred in North America but not in UK, similarly CIPD is preferred in UK, Ireland and Scotland as compared to SHRM, HRCI certifications.
- Certifications offered by Oaj e Kamal may not suffice or replace certifications which are required to work in certain geographical locations or countries in the world. We have no equivalent or exemption arrangements with any such international body offering such certifications in that particular region. Candidates are expected to make themselves aware of such required certifications if they intend to reside or work across international borders.
- Oaj e Kamal does not offer any job placement service in a country from where its certification partners are in operation. Candidates are thus requested to not contact its certification partners for job placements in that country or region, once they have qualified those certifications.
- We request our potential candidates to validate any information in written from our official email accounts to eliminate any ambiguity, doubt and misrepresentation created from sources other than us.
- Recertification:
- Validity Period: Like all other international certifications, the certifications offered by Oaj e Kamal Pakistan have a validity period of 3 years, after expiry of which the candidates will need to re-certify by demonstrating Continued Professional Development in that area and paying a re-certification fee.\
- Criteria for Re-Certification:
1. Twenty (24) Hours of CPD for 3 years (Continued Professional Development, 8 hours of attended workshops per year on any topic of management, leadership, related functional area) or
2. Three (3) Training activities conducted inside or outside the organization (1 training per year ) or
3. Work Experience Certificate showing continuation of work in the relevant field during that period or
4. Research Paper presented in any international journal of his relevant field during 3 year time or
5. Case Study submitted for a specific achievement in the relevant field of Certification.
- Assessment Option: If a candidate is residing in a foreign country and cannot attend training sessions, he can submit assignments in lieu of training which will be assessed for his professional competence by Oaj e Kamal. If the assignments are declared and issued ” satisfactory” status, the candidate will be allowed to take exams for certifications.
- Registration Validity:
- The registration period is valid for 180 days starting from the date of submission of registration fee. A candidate will have to re-register if s/he does not take a course with in six months (180 days) after registration.
- Registration for exams is valid for 90 days only. A candidate will have to re-submit examination fee if he does not take exams within the exam registration period. Thus any claimable refund for exam fee will not be valid if exam registration period has expired.
- FAQs:
- Please go through our FAQs (frequently asked questions page) here.
- For further information please contact our administrative office.
- The trainers / course facilitators are not designated representatives for administrative support or for provision for further information.
- Oaj e Kamal reserves the right to change or add to the above sections. Any such change will be in effect with in 5 working days of such change.
Contractual Agreement:
- We highly recommend you to read our FAQs and guidelines which also serve as terms and conditions.
- By paying enrollment fee or sitting in the training session/s, you agree to the above mentioned terms and conditions and in no case will use argument of “That maxim of law, ignorantia juris non excusat, that ignorance cannot be pleaded in excuse of disputes.
- It is the candidates sole responsibility to make themselves aware or educate about the terms and conditions under which this service is being performed.
- Candidates are expected to make themselves aware and satisfied about the quality, content, competence status of trainers engaged, accreditation status of various programs offered, the value or worth of programs offered by Oaj e Kamal before they enroll in a program. An enrollment or registration in a program will be considered an implicit evidence that a candidate is satisfied with the offer being made.
- Oaj e Kamal intends to deliver its best service to individuals and organizations. The above points are highlighted to achieve this purpose smoothly and amicably.