Engage Name Title Organization Location Contact Email Please select at least one area for value addition to your organization Increase Sales /Revenue Reduce Cost Of Operations Increase Your Reach To Clients Increase Visibility To Potential Customers Increase Productivity Per Unit of Service or Product Increase Performance Per Person or Per Group Reduce Process Time Improve Skill or Will of Employees Increase Cash Flows / Profits Organization Development Coach Your People For Challenges! Develop Feasibilty and /or Business Analysis None of the above Please share any other area not mentioned above If you want to share more information and upload a formal document Importance /Urgency Level: Important and Urgent Important only Urgent but not important Most likely time to start consultation 1-2 weeks 2-4 weeks 4-6 weeks Submit For further information contact phone: + 923215355055 Monday-Friday [10 am to 6 pm only] Email: contact@oajekamal.com