Productivity, Performance Improvement and Quality:
An Alarming Situation:
- Pakistan stands at 113 out of 124 countries in the ‘Human Capital Index’ because of its poor performance on educational outcomes, says the Human Capital Report 2015 issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
- Pakistan ranks 129 at Global Competitiveness Index among a total of 144 nations.
The Twelve Pillars of Competitiveness Ranking are as follows:
1. Institutions | 7. Labour Market Efficiency |
2. Infrastructure | 8. Financial Market Development |
3. Macroeconomic Environment | 9. Technological Readiness |
4. Health and Primary Education | 10. Market Size |
5. Higher Education and Training | 11. Business Sophistication |
6. Goods Market and Efficiency | 12. Innovation |
Why are we sharing this information with you?
All the pillars of Global Competitive Index depend on certain factors to improve. There are different factors responsible to develop each factor. However ONE COMMON FACTOR IS QUALITY. Productivity and Quality go hand in hand.
Creating Quality & Productivity Consciousness Workforce:
We are not a QUALITY conscious nation and our organizations are neither quality conscious.
- Today research has proven that it costs much cheaper to produce a product or service if quality standards are observed.
- The most important part is that our work force needs to be developed in a set of concepts related to QUALITY, EXCELLENCE, COST REDUCTION, ELIMINATING WASTE, MANGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE.
Our Solution to the Situation:
In our work and efforts with over managers, executives, Head HRs, GMs, Directors and board members of over 300 organizations, we have developed a comprehensive syllabus to create QUALITY CONSCIOUS WORKFORCE resulting into increased Productivity and Performance Improvement:
We have named the program: “Certified Productivity Professional”
Content Brief:
After attending the participants shall have learnt/ understood / be able to practice:
MODULE 1: Introduction of Productivity & Quality Concepts
- Productivity and Quality Concepts
- Nature, Importance, Benefits of becoming Productivity and Quality Consciousness
- Quality & Productivity History Across the World
- TQM Journey in Japan
- TQM in the manufacturing and services sector: uses and applications
- Excellence Essentials: Leadership
Module 2: Kaizen Management (KM)
- What is Kaizen Management?
- How Kaizen Management Tools are Implemented?
- Principles of 5S: Application at Work Place
Module 3: Process Improvement
- Quality Control Circles in the Services Sector organization
- TPM: Total Productive Maintenance, requirements and essentials
- Productivity Measurement Just in Time (JIT) Solutions
- A general Introduction to ISO 9001:2008
Module 4: Business Excellence
- Benchmarking: Concepts, Applications and Benefits
- Six Sigma: Concepts, Applications and Benefits
- Performance Improvement Solutions.
To deliver organizations the above, we have devised a Cost Effective Structure to enable the organizations to benefit from these to their most, even with constraints on budget.
The Focus of Our Program: To train people at productivity tools with respect to two aspects:
- Developing Knowledge, Skills and Attitude of internal teams
- Developing the capacity of internal team to transfer, handle and pass on such set of competencies to other members of the team and thus develop a culture of excellence and productivity
Value Addition: The following benefits / value addition can be expected
- Better understanding and awareness of productivity and TQM
- Improved quality of engineering solutions, production and factory layout
- Awareness among employees about hidden costs per unit and their impact on production runs, time, overheads etc
- Knowledge of productivity tools like 5S, Kaizen, Six Sigma etc
- Developing culture of excellence
- Overall reduction in costs, errors, negligence, carelessness and casualness
- Improved liaison among management and operations management w.r.t quality and productivity
Training Methodology: The program shall include all or a combination of the following tools for maximum effectiveness.
- Face to Face discussion, lecturing.
- Video/ Clips.
- Power point presentations.
- Group activities.
- Mental exercises.
The Tools We Use: We engage a range of tools for generating optimum results for our client organizations as well as for coaching individuals. The tools we use range from Total Quality Management to latest trends in Psychology.