1. Why executives and professionals opt for training certification programs? 

Ans: As per feed back received from executives, managers and professionals, people opt for our certification programs for three (3) major reasons:

  1. They want to gain Practical Approach to Management issues rather than having theoretical knowledge only.
  2. They want to Enhance Professional Competence.
  3. They want to Add Value to their resumes or CVs.

Whether you have the same reason as theirs or any different one, opting for a training certification can be one of the best professional choices you will make.

Certifications differ from university degree at two areas: 

  1. Certification programs are based on Industry lead best practices i.e. they are focused on what is actually and currently happening in a given industry or functional sector. 
  1. Certification programs are based on Specific Outcomes which are measurable and can be evaluated for results to a significant degree. That is why professionals opting for any certification report a significant improvement in their professional skills after completion of their respective programs.

2. By which entity the training programs are certified?

Having our own quality standards, certification programs offered by Oaj e Kamal are certified by Oaj e Kamal (Pvt) Limited.

3. What is the process of obtaining a certification? 

Ans: The following steps are involved:

a. You will be registered with us (Oaj e Kamal) by filling in a registration form or through a formal email requesting such. At this point you will be asked to send us your latest CV as well. This is needed for:

i. approval for enrollment in the program

ii.recommendation to our clients as successful alumni for top industry positions, if and when required.

b. Upon approval of your CV, an invoice will be raised for submission of fee.

c. You will be informed of the schedule of training and you will enroll for classes.

d. You will take exams.

e. If you pass the exam, you will be notified and will receive your certificate.

f. If you do not pass the exam, you will be notified again and will receive a certificate of participation only from  Oaj e Kamal.

4. How long does it take for the whole process?

Ans: The whole process usually takes 8-14 weeks to obtain certification after completion of training time.

Exam date: 2-4 weeks after last day of training session
Results announced: 2-4 weeks after exam
Receipt of certificate: 4-6 weeks after result announcement

 5. What is the difference between Certification and Accreditation?

Ans: To increase awareness about Certification and Accreditation, we are presenting a detailed answer.

As per ISO, International Organization for Standardization,

  • Certification – the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, service or system in question meets specific requirements.
  • Accreditation – the formal recognition by an independent body, generally known as an accreditation body, that a certification body operates according to international standards.

Even an individual can certify a fact. Everyone knows and carries a Birth Certificates, Certificate of School Leaving or Joining,  Medical Certificate used to apply a medical leave etc. All certificates testify certain facts which are truthful in the knowledge of a certain person or certain organization.  Accreditation is the process of regulation, standardization and controlling an organization w.r.t given standards.

To make things further easy, in Pakistan HEC (Higher Education Commission) is the accreditation body to control, regulate and monitor Universities ( degree awarding institutions or which act like Certification bodies issuing degrees or diplomas). Medical colleges act like Certification Bodies (CBs) and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council is the accreditation body to regulate medical colleges, schools of medicine and medical universities. Similarly Engineering Universities issue Degrees to their students, and Pakistan Engineering Council regulates the operations of Engineering Universities acting as their Accreditation Body.

6. What is meant by International Accreditation?

International Accreditation of our Certification Partners means that they are Accredited by International Accreditation Bodies. International Accreditation Bodies are organizations which have global presence and their standards are accepted by organizations in several countries. Though there is not any standard number of countries, in which an organization has to be present to be called global.

Please be noted that Internationally Accredited Certification does not mean Employer’s Preferences.

7. Please explain the term Employer’s Preferences.

Ans: It simply means that certain organizations or an employer may prefer one certification or qualification or degree more than other.  No organization can command employers’ preferences. Neither we can. In simple words, no organization including Oaj e Kamal can guarantee a job on the basis of its degree, diploma or a certification.

This means that having an internationally accredited certification does not mean that a job is guaranteed by an employer or potential employer. Organization may have their own preferences while selecting candidates for a job and they may or may not prefer a particular certification as compared to other certifications.  If an employer does not accept your certification does not mean that it is not Accredited by an International Accreditation Body.

As an example, If a university engineering or medicine graduate is not preferred by an employer in USA or Canada, it does not mean that his qualification is not accredited.

8. What do you mean by Acceptance of a Certification?

Ans: Acceptance is a lot related to employers’ preferences. Acceptance of a Certification means how much a certain market accepts it. Acceptance depends on several factors, though no hard and fast rule is present. Some of the factors are as follows:

i. Being Renown: If an organization is renowned and famous, certificates issued by it will be readily acceptable e.g. Microsoft has its own certification programs following their own standards and are not necessarily accredited by other accreditation bodies or organizations. Other examples are CISCO, Franklin Covey etc. 

ii. Legislation Requirements: In certain countries certifications from particular organizations are required by law to practice or to be professionally engaged in a particular field. Thus those certifications become readily accepted in that geographical area or country.

iii. Market Trends and Awareness: Certifications can become more acceptable with market trends, which keep on varying with time. For example in Pakistan several HR certifications were not well known and were not accepted till recent years, although the same were internationally accredited and were globally accepted.

A certification may be accredited and still not be accepted in a country or a geographical location.

Although certifications help individuals to land on a job in its relevant area and to improve their careers, no certification issuing organization can and does guarantee Employers’ Preferences, neither  acceptance of a certification by a specific employer can be guaranteed. We at Oaj e Kamal are no exception to it. 

9. Does Oaj e Kamal have any certification programs of its own?

Yes. Oaj e Kamal has the following programs, which are certified by Oaj e Kamal.

  1. CHRP: Certified Human Resource Professional
  2. CLDP: Certified Learning and Development Professional
  3. CMP: Certified Marketing Professional
  4. CSP: Certified Sales Professional